Sunday, February 7, 2010

The pin is out !

Ok, this week the good doctor took out the final pin from my ring finger.  What a painful experience that worked out to be.  It's still a little crooked near the nail, a healing hole in the end just under my fingernail, still won't bend very well at the second knuckle because of the stretched tendons and swollen just a little bit near the tip.   But, other than that, it's perfect!
What a lesson in safety this has been for me with lingering effects on my previously fast typing speed.   Since this problem one would note some of my stuff is mispelled.....i.e. the W's, S's and Z's.
The nurse asked me if I wanted to keep the pin.   What a morbid thought.
I'm just about ready to get back to the hobby of making things again.   Since the finger problem, I've been thinking a lot about projects, all kinds of projects.   I wanted to make another undulating chess table, and an entertainment center, and possibly find more wood for a cypress tree trunk table, maybe with a check large enough to stabilize with a stunningly visual bow-tie or two.
Thanks to Dr. Jon DeVries for all the patience and good work of getting me back to less pain.
Enough of that for now.
Till later........